
2018年7月11日 Texas A&M University孙国荣教授受邀来访交流


德州农机大学(Texas A&M UniversityKaren Wooley教授课题组的孙国荣高级研究员于2018711日到访并为我校师生作了题为“Developments of Ultra**all Polymer Nanoclusters as Novel Cancer Imaging and Theranostic Agents”的学术报告。

在此次报告中,孙国荣博士重点介绍了以金、铜为核心的高分子簇纳米结构在癌症成像及诊疗剂领域的研究进展。由于上述聚合物纳米簇的水合粒径小于10 nm,因此容易被肾脏清除,具有较好的生物安全性,在增强PET成像和药物载体领域具有较好应用前景。最后,在提问环节中,孙国荣博士和在座师生进行了交流互动。




Guorong Sun received his Ph.D. in polymer chemistry in 2009 from Washington University in St Louis under the direction of Professor Karen L. Wooley, working on syntheses and chemoselective modifications of crosslinked polymer nanostructure as imaging and delivery agents.  He continued his postdoctoral training with Professor Wooley at Texas A&M University, where he presently is a Senior Scientist in the Wooley group.  His current research focuses on the exploration of advanced nanomaterials for imaging-guided cancer therapy and intricate molecular brush-based materials for the microelectronics industry.