
Epoxy-based high-k composites with low dielectric loss caused by reactive core-shell-structured carbon nanotube hybrids


 Epoxy-based high-k composites with low dielectric loss caused by reactive core-shell-structured carbon nanotube hybrids

Materials Letters (2016), 184, 143-147.

Tang Hongfeng, Chen Guang-Xin, Li Qifang

Abstract Polymer composites with a high dielec. const. (high-k) and low dielec. loss represent an important research topic for the rapid development of electronic industries. This paper reports on a type of high-k composite with low dielec. loss (dielec. const. is approx. 152, and dielec. loss is only 0.06 at 10 kHz) through a compounded epoxy resin with homethyl methacrylatede core-shell-structured carbon nanotube (CNT) hybrids. The composite is prepd. by in situ controlled free-radical copolymn. of divinylbenzene and glycidyl methacrylate on the surface of CNTs. The reactive shell contained epoxy groups that play a dual role in keeping the low dielec. loss of the composites and high dispersibility of the coated CNTs. The coated CNTs with proper thickness (about 30 nm) and epoxy value (0.011 mol/g) were selected to prep. the composites.