
周继升 教授



电话:010-6443 4916




近期学术论文 (近三年来最具代表性的论文).
1. Sitong Liu, Jisheng Zhou*, Huaihe Song*, Tailoring Highly N-Doped Carbon Materials from Hexamine-Based MOFs: Superior Performance and New Insight into the Roles of N Configurations in Na‐Ion Storage. Small, 2018, 1703548.
2. Xiaoting Zhang, Jisheng Zhou*, Xiaohong Chen, Huaihe Song*, Pliable Embedded-Type Paper Electrode of Hollow Metal Oxide@Porous Graphene with Abnormal but Superior Rate Capability for Lithium-Ion Storage, ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2018, 1, 48-55.
3.Guanjun Zhang, Kunhong Liu, Sitong Liu, Huaihe Song, Jisheng Zhou*, Flexible Co0.85Se nanosheets/graphene composite film as binder-free anode with high Li- and Na-Ion storage performance J. Alloy. Compound., 2018, 731, 714-722.
4. Xu Guo, Xiaoting Zhang, Huaihe Song, Jisheng Zhou*, Electrospun cross-linked carbon nanofiber films as free-standing and binder-freee anodes with superior rate performance and longer-term cycling stability for sodium ion storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 21343-21352.
5. Minhong Kong, Kunhong Liu, Jinyu Ning, Jisheng Zhou*, Huaihe Song, Perovskite framework NH4FeF3/carbon composite nanosheets as a potential anode material for Li and Na ion storage, J. Mater, Chem. A, 2017, 5, 19280-19288
6. Dan Li, Jisheng Zhou*, Xiaohong Chen, Huaihe Song*,Amorphous Fe2O3/Graphene Composite Nanosheets with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance for Sodium-Ion Battery, ACS Appl. Mater. Interface, 2016, 8: 30899-30907.
7. Jinyu Ning, Di Zhang, Huaihe Song*, Xiaohong Chen, Jisheng Zhou*, Branched Carbon-Encapsulated MnS Core/Shell Nanochains Prepared via Oriented Attachment for Lithium-Ion Storage, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4: 12098-12105.
8. Jisheng Zhou, Ye Wang, Jun Zhang, Tupei Chen, Huaihe Song*, Hui Ying Yang*, Two Dimensional Layered Co0.85Se Nanosheets as a High-Capacity Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries, Nanoscale, 2016, 8: 14992-15000.
9. Xiaoting Zhang, Jisheng Zhou*, Chengcheng Liu, Xiaohong Chen, Huaihe Song*, A Universal Strategy to Prepare Porous Graphene Films: Binder-Free Anodes for High-Rate Lithium-Ion and Sodium-Ion Batteries, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4: 8837-8843.
10. Jisheng Zhou, Xiaoting Zhang, Huaihe Song*, Chengcheng Liu, Su Zhang, Xiaohong Chen, A Reversible Transformation of Functional Groups in Graphene Oxide with Loading and Unloading of Metal Compounds, Carbon, 2016, 99: 370–374.



1. 周继升, 刘斯通, 宋怀河, 一高氮掺杂炭材料的制备方法. (201711183772.3)
2. 周继升, 刘斯通, 宋怀河, 一种高氮掺杂石墨烯的制备方法. (201711221595.3)
3. 宋怀河, 周继升, 陈晓红, 一种石墨烯/金属氧化物复合负极材料及其制备方法 (201110118839.1)
4. 周继升,宋怀河, 张迪, 陈晓红,一种炭包覆氟化物核壳结构纳米材料、制备方法及其作为锂电池正极材料的应用(ZL201410340455.8)


 1. 北京市科学技术奖 三等奖 (2017)
 2. 全国优秀博士学位论文提名(2013)
 3. 北京市优秀博士学位论文(2012)