高洋洋 见习教授



E-mail: gaoyy@mail.buct.edu.cn






2014.9-2015.9 德国达姆斯塔特工业大学化学系 (导师Florian Müller-Plathe教授)          联合培养博士

2011.9-2016.7 北京化工大学化学工程与技术专业 (导师张立群院士) 本科直博

2007.9-2011.7 北京化工大学高分子材料与工程专业           本科

2016.9-现在  北京化工大学材料科学与工程学院副教授    优秀青年后备人才


承担国家自然科学基金2项,北京市自然科学基金1项,重点专项课题3项以及多项横向课题。以第一作者或通讯作者在ACS Nano, Macromolecules等发表论文50余篇。多次在国内外学术会议上进行邀请报告。



1. Ruibin Ma, Yongle Wang, Haoran Huang, Xiuying Zhao, Xiaolin Li, Liqun Zhang, Yangyang Gao*. Insight into the Fracture Properties and Molecular Mechanism of Polyurethane. Macromolecules, 2024, 57, 4484-4494.

2. Haoxiang Li, Yimin Wang, Wenfeng Zhang, Ruibin Ma, Xiuying Zhao, Xin Liu, Liqun Zhang, and Yangyang Gao*. Structure, Dynamics, and Rheological Behavior of Associative Polymers Formed by Hydrogen Bonds. Macromolecules, 2024, 57, 3, 1106-1117.

3. Tong Huang, Xin Liu, Ruibin Ma, Yangyang Gao*, et al. Polynorepinephrine-regulated filler sulfonation toward interfacial reformation and conductive promotion of nanocomposite proton exchange membrane. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 484, 149582.

4. Ruibin Ma, Wenfeng Zhang, Yimin Wang, Haoxiang Li, Xiuying Zhao, Xiaolin Li, Liqun Zhang, and Yangyang Gao*. Manipulating the Void Nucleation and Propagation in Silica Nanoparticle/Polyisoprene Nanocomposites via Grafted Chains: A Multiscale Simulation. Macromolecules, 2023, 56, 8448-8460.

5. Yangyang Gao*. et al. Multichannel Flexible Pulse Perception Array for Intelligent Disease Diagnosis System. ACS Nano. 2023, 17, 5673-5685.

6. Haoxiang Li, Hao Tian, Yewei Chen, Sian Xiao, Xiuying Zhao, Yangyang Gao*, and Liqun Zhang. Analyzing and Predicting the Viscosity of Polymer Nanocomposites in the Conditions of Temperature, Shear Rate, and Nanoparticle Loading with Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Machine Learning. J. Phys. Chem. B 2023, 127, 15, 3596-3605.

7. Shaoding Yang, Wenfeng Zhang, Ruibin Ma, Haoxiang Li, Yonglai Lu, Xiuying Zhao, Liqun Zhang and Yangyang Gao*. Manipulating the Thermal Conductivity of the Graphene/Poly(vinyl alcohol) Composite via Surface Functionalization: A Multiscale Simulation. Langmuir, 2023, 39, 9703-9714.

8. Wenfeng Zhang, Zoumeng Hu, Yonglai Lu, Tianhang Zhou, Huan Zhang, Xiuying Zhao, Li Liu, Liqun Zhang, and Yangyang Gao*. Molecular Dynamics Simulation on the Heat Transfer in the Cross-Linked Poly(dimethylsiloxane). J. Phys. Chem. B 2023, 127, 10243-10251.

9. Yimin Wang, Ruibin Ma, Haoxiang Li, Shikai Hu, Yangyang Gao*, Li Liu, Xiuying Zhao and Liqun Zhang. Effect of the content and strength of hard segment on the viscoelasticity of the polyurethane elastomer: insights from molecular dynamics simulation. Soft Matter. 2022, 18, 4090-4101.

10. Haoyu Wu, Ruibin Ma, Yimin Wang, Xiuying Zhao, Liqun Zhang and Yangyang Gao*. Manipulating the percolated network of nanorods in polymer matrix by adding non-conductive nanospheres: A molecular dynamics simulation. Composites Science and Technology. 2022, 229, 109694.

11. Haoxiang Li, Haoyu Wu, Wenfeng Zhang, Xiuying Zhao, Liqun Zhang, Yangyang Gao*. Rheological mechanism of polymer nanocomposites filled with spherical nanoparticles: Insight from molecular dynamics simulation. Polymer, 2021, 231, 124129.

12. Wenfeng Zhang, Haoxiang Li, Hanyu Jiang, Haoyu Wu, Yonglai Lu, Xiuying Zhao, Li Liu, Yangyang Gao,* and Liqun Zhang. Influence of Surface Defects on the Thermal Conductivity of Hexagonal Boron Nitride/Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Nanocomposites: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 12038-12048.

13. Haoxiang Li, Haoyu Wu, Bin Li, Yangyang Gao*, Xiuying Zhao, Liqun Zhang. Molecular dynamics simulation of fracture mechanism in the double interpenetrated cross-linked polymer. Polymer, 2020, 199, 122571.

14. Haoyu Wu, Haoxiang Li, Wenfeng Zhang, Fanzhu Li, Bin Li, Yangyang Gao*, Xiuying Zhao, Liqun Zhang. Percolation of polydisperse nanorods in polymer nanocomposites: insights from molecular dynamics simulation. Composites Science and Technology. 2020, 196, 108208.

15. Fan Qu, Wei Sun, Bin Li, Fanzhu Li, Yangyang Gao*, Xiuying Zhao, Liqun Zhang. Synergistic effect in improving the electrical conductivity in polymer nanocomposites by mixing spherical and rod fillers. Soft Matter. 2020, 16, 10454-10462.










8. 2013年获得中国橡胶基础研究研讨会中国橡胶科技创新奖和论文奖(Paper Award)

9.担任Advanced Nanocomposites和“特种橡胶制品”青年编委。