主要从事生物医用高分子方面的基础研究工作,在理论模拟计算、心脑血管疾病相关的药物、基因递送生物材料以及分子影像探针、基因编辑系统等方面开展了广泛的研究。迄今为止在国际期刊European Heart Journal, Nature Communications, ACS NANO, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science, Biomaterials等以第一/通讯等作者论文发表论文40 余篇,主持3项国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目和1项国家重点研发计划子课题,2024年获批北京化工大学第四批“青年英才百人计划”,相关成果支撑获得2023年教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第四)。
1.An antigen-capturing and lymph node-targeting nanoparticle for cancer immunotherapy. Journal of Controlled Release. 2025, 379, 993-1005.
2.One endothelium-targeted combined nucleic acid delivery system for myocardial infarction therapy. ACS NANO, 2024,18(11): 8107.
3.Effective prevention of atherosclerosis by non-viral delivery of CRISPR/Cas9. Nano Today, 2024, 54, 102097.
4.Targeting endothelial tight junctions to predict and protect thoracic aortic aneurysm and dissection. European Heart Journal, 2023, 44(14): 1248.
5.Versatile types of cyclodextrin-based nucleic acid delivery systems. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2021, 10(1): 2001183.
6.Genetically multimodal therapy mediated by one polysaccharides-based supramolecular nanosystem. Biomaterials, 2020, 248: 120031.
7.Multifunctional cationic nanosystems for nucleic acid therapy of thoracic aortic dissection. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 3184.
8.CRISPR/Cas9 delivery mediated with hydroxyl-rich nanosystems for gene editing in aorta. Advanced Science, 2019, 6(11): 1900386.
9.Effective delivery of hypertrophic miRNA inhibitor by cholesterol-containing nanocarriers for preventing pressure overload induced cardiac hypertrophy. Advanced Science, 2019, 6(11): 1900023.
10.Identification of type IV collagen exposure as a molecular imaging target for early detection of thoracic aortic dissection. Theranostics, 2018, 8(2): 437-449.